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We are the best option  as a training tool for the human being, Karate  Do  uses physical training as a pretext, to train, and grow with self-control of emotions and also body control since physically it requires that the body be coordinated, toning the entire body, increasing flexibility and cardiovascular resistance capacity, we can also say that excellent as a support in therapies for children with deficit of  attention, hyperactivity, and psychomotor disturbances.





Currently Karate is an excellent option to avoid bullying, since this martial art allows us to know how to defend ourselves when necessary, and also self-control to avoid any aggression towards anyone around us, for which we can say that karate helps in both cases since the secret to avoiding bullying is respect and self - control , virtues that are trained day by day when stepping on the dojo .




Karate likewise gives us the possibility of competing to promote the advancement of what has been trained.  , but the most important aspect of this aspect is to give the practitioner the opportunity to experience the possibility of firstly representing your dojo , your city and your country , with the advantages that the competition gives us when facing emotions , pressure , fear , etc. emotions that, when confronted, give us confidence, security and maturation.




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